2020年2月27日 星期四

Ship's Doctor - surveyor and audit, 船舶醫生-檢驗和稽核

船舶驗證可以分為法定檢驗和稽核, 法定檢驗像是醫生檢查人的外觀跟功能, 稽核就是檢查人的心理狀況還有潛在的疾病. 通常這兩種驗證方式都需要豐富的實際經驗. 身為一個海事人員, 第一份工作就在船上, 實地了解船舶作業概況與船員工作負擔. 到了船舶管理公司後也實際優化管理系統, 其過程參照的IMO 書籍和其他海事書籍多達數萬頁, 再加上實際執行船舶檢驗與稽核, 過程中不斷調整修改, 讓這套船舶安全管理系統貼切公司人員和船上人員實際可以操作又完全遵循IMO公約和其他港口國的要求. 小公司也能有比美大公司的管理能力.

在從事船級社驗船師期間, 也是學習到很多不同類型的船舶, 在把之前所學重複在這些船上驗證. 在高峰期一年平均有30艘船及數家公司多達60項的檢驗, 自身的檢驗能力也才能不斷地提升.

法定檢驗和稽核唯有相輔相成, 這艘船才能把病徵跟源頭找出來, 徹底改善成健康體質.

Ship verification can be divided into statutory surveys and audits, statutory surveys are like doctors checking people's appearance and functions, and auditing is checking people's psychological conditions and potential diseases. Usually these two verification methods require rich practical experience. As A maritime personnel, the first job is on the ship, to understand the ship operation profile and crew workload on the spot. After severed the ship management company, the management system is also actually optimized, the IMO books and other maritime books referred to in the process are up to tens of thousands of pages, and then Coupled with the actual implementation of ship inspections and audits, continuous adjustments and modifications are made in the process, so that this ship safety management system is appropriate for company personnel and shipboard personnel to operate and fully comply with IMO conventions and other port state requirements. Small companies can also have good “company performance” same as the big company.

During my career as a surveyor of the classification society, I also learned a lot of different types of ships, and repeated the previous learning on these ships to verify how to inspect correctly and meaningful. During the peak season, there are an average of 30 ships and several companies with 60 job order. My inspection ability can be continuously improved.

Only when statutory inspections and audits complement each other can this ship identify the source of the disease and completely improve its health.

